Thursday, January 24, 2008


Is this the ULTIMATE Affiliate Marketing Formula ??

Why affiliate marketing ? Well, affiliate marketing allows you to advertise products created by others on your website, and then earn up to 75% commission for each sale. You can choose from affiliate programs that sell almost anything, but you tend to be able to make the most money through selling electronic products such as ebooks, reports, software or videos. This article will provide you with a number of tips to help you make a start in affiliate marketing.

Why participate in affiliate marketing programs? Here are four simple tips.

Find a program in a niche that you like and are interested in.
Look for a program that is associated with experts
Find a product in a growing market to help ensure more and future demand for the niche.
Make sure the program has a good range of useful tools and resources to help you promote the product and grow your business.

When you have decided on your chosen niche, and selected the products you want to promote you must consider why customers would want to buy from your site. So, you must remember the following when designing your website.

Develop unique web pages to promote each product you are marketing - your site must focus on each product individually and nothing more.
Always include product reviews and testimonials on your site, and offer free content or reports to your visitors.
List the benefits of the product and focus on points like how the product can make life easier and more comfortable.
Write articles for ezines and ereports highlighting the uses of the product and include them on your site. Try to write a couple of articles per week (300 600 words). Remember that search engines like article sites and ezine sites such as

Clearly you want all of your visitors to click the order button, but converting them to customers is a challenge. On average only 1 out of 100 visitors are likely to buy. Therefore, if you can generate as much as 1000 hits to your website every day, on average you can make about 10 sales. But how do you get people to visit your site ?

I have mentioned writing articles already as a way to get people to your site for free. A popular way to generate traffic for your website is by paying for it using pay per click (PPC) advertising on the main search engines such as Google or Yahoo. PPC is one of the most cost effective ways of targeted internet advertising. The idea is that you write really good short adverts which appear on the search result pages, and you only have to pay when someone clicks on your link. Your ranking in the search engine results is determined by the amount you are willing to pay for each click on your advert. The highest bid will be ranked number 1, followed by all equivalent lower bids.

There are of course many other ways to get traffic to your site, and these can be found either by searching the internet, or by reading the answer to my next question - where do you go from here ?

The answer - you should subscribe to a course which can teach you the basics of affiliate marketing, an easy to follow step by step guide. My personal recommendation is a free 27 day course by Matthew Glanfield. Matthew has been marketing online for over three years. In the second half of 2005 he generated over $100,000 of sales from only one of his websites. He now runs a number of really successful websites to help others to be able to start their own Internet business.

This course takes you from planning your first affiliate sales on day one to having a fully active website promoting your selected product by the end of the course. It is packed with valuable information and videos to get you on track as soon as possible. By signing up for this course you will also receive a free chapter, The secret formula for successful Affiliate Marketing, from one of Matthews courses. You will also receive a copy of a brand new ebook called Copy 101 which will help you write really effective PPC ads.

Jonathan Moss has been working in Internet Marketing for over 12 months. To find out more about affiliate marketing please visit You may reprint this article in full complete with the Author Bio.Victoria Blog80415
Ernesta Blog34875

As A Beginner, Is Affiliate Marketing For You?

Affiliate marketing is a cottage industry that has grown very quickly in the last couple years, without many people knowing much about it. It is a true home business opportunity, and today, affiliate marketing is the single fastest growth industry on the Internet and accounts for a large portion of the Internet Market.

Affiliate networks and affiliate programs are increasingly used by merchants for affiliate marketing and product / website promotion.

There are two ways of looking at affiliate marketing.

1. You have a product and want to sell it through your own affiliate program.

2. You do not have a product and you want to promote someone elses product.

Since the basic fundamentals of Affiliate Marketing are the same in both cases, in the following sections of this article just consider your self as the Merchant for Item 1 and the Affiliate for Item 2.

The Affiliate programs, also called referral or reseller programs, are a type of marketing strategy.

It is the act of promoting your product or service through independent sales people, referred to as partners or affiliates. They will get a percentage of the sales value of the product when a sale is made. It also works in reverse by having you, as an Affiliate, do the marketing for the Merchant. The commission percentages vary from 25% to 75%, depending on the product and the Merchant.

Learning how to work the Affiliate Marketing system is extremely easy. It is the simplest business model to make money, and in fact, research shows that it is the most cost-effective way to generate online sales.

It is often said that Affiliate Marketing is a great field because the costs involved are so low.

Affiliate Marketing is a brilliant way to begin earning on the Internet for those of us who haven't as yet got our own products. The draw of affiliate marketing is that it is on a "pay per performance" basis. It is a very competitive business, but it is also one of the easiest ways to make money online.

As a beginner, joining other Merchants affiliate programs is the easiest way to start a business on the Internet, and it is usually free. If there is a fee to join a program, be careful and do a lot more research on the program itself, as you may find it is something totally different from what you are expecting.

If you decide that affiliate marketing is your game, or you intend it to be, you must make email marketing your main promotional method. This requires the use of autoresponders for maximum return on minimal effort. To be wholly successful in Affiliate Marketing, it is necessary to have a healthy, responsive opt-in list which goes with the autoresponder. For the beginner this is the headache. Generating a responsive opt-in list does take time, but it is well worth the effort of cultivating the list so that when you recommend, they will buy.

Remember that affiliate marketing is a partnership, so make sure your partner is able to support you as you help him promote his products and services, or vice versa. Normally the Merchant will provide a wide range of promotional tools for you to use.

You can earn money from your website promoting the affiliate programs of many manufacturers and on-line suppliers. Making money by this method isn't hard work, but it's not point and click easy either.

Affiliate programs give everybody a chance to make a profit through the internet what is termed a WIN WIN situation.

Change is constant in online advertising and affiliate marketing is no exception. Email advertising is probably the most often used affiliate marketing tool. There is also search engine optimization, paid search engine advertising, classified ads, offline advertising, and many other methods.

Direct promotion via email has boomed over recent years, but has brought with it mountains of spam. This is an element that you will need to avoid as your email being read by the intended recipient is the basis of your getting sales.

It is reported that the most common Internet-based advertising is now Pay per Click (PPC). It has always been thought of as an expensive method of advertising, but if you follow strict controls on your advertising campaigns, they can provide large rewards. Start small and keep a strict watch on it if you go this way.

Unlike traditional advertising, everything can be tracked back as all is transparent right down to the last penny, and it is very simple to keep track on costs and your return on investment.

If you are looking for a way to promote your home business, affiliate marketing can help. Creating multiple streams of income is an important factor when considering any type of business, and Affiliate Marketing could well be one of those streams. In fact, research shows that affiliate marketing is the most cost-effective way to generate online sales.

From the inside, affiliate marketing is in its boom phase, so if you own a web site and have basic web page design skills, are a Beginner or an Old Hand, getting started in affiliate marketing is a fairly simple process. If you are a Beginner, then this is one method of quickly getting started. Just remember that affiliate marketing is just the start the skys the limit.

Derek Jones - Sign up for our 7 part Email course on "Some preparations before starting to build an Internet business" at Blog5185
Vera Blog21442

Psychology Private Practice: Should You Be Free Of Managed Care?

As you will soon find in the following paragraphs, I believe it is possible as a therapist to help people and make a good living while enjoying an enviable lifestyle. Today a mental health practitioner in private practice faces this choice: Either work under contract for a profit-driven managed-care company and accept whatever fees and conditions they decree, or find clients who are willing to pay out of pocket for high-quality services.

Yes, you can decide to operate primarily outside of managed care.

I have, and so have hundreds, maybe thousands, of therapists. To do this, you need more than a bunch of tips and techniques. You need a systematized approach that works and some necessary skill sets.

Why Are You Reading This? Maybe you are tired of working in the managed-care system and are thinking about starting a managed-care free practice. Maybe you have started a private practice, but are struggling to get private-pay clients. Maybe you have a good private practice, but feel you have not realized your full potential. You want a full practice of well-paying clients. Maybe you just want a few great ideas to take your practice to the next level. One good idea can sometimes make a big difference.

Private practice has changed drastically from what it was a little over a decade ago and continues to evolve. Much of the change has been related to the expansion of managed-care insurance.

Many practitioners have been able to thrive while others struggle. Many mental health professionals have left private practice, unable to successfully adapt.

Some of the concerns and frustrations I hear expressed include:
Low fees
Being undervalued in the managed-care system
Lower quality of services in the managed-care system
Discouragement with the lowered income, additional strains and burdens
Managed care is too much in the drivers seat
Encountered inequities in the managed-care system
Ethical dilemmas about such things as continuity of care and terminating therapy too soon
Having to work too many hours to make ends meet
Time-consuming authorization, billing and administrative work
A pervasive current of gloom regarding the future of the profession.

Perhaps you, like many professionals I talk to in the consulting and coaching part of my work, aspire toward a more rewarding and lucrative practice. Thats where I was several years ago. As a practicing psychologist, I know what you are likely experiencing. I love being a psychologist in private practice, but also understand how challenging it can be.
I also know how to make a practice grow and stay successful.

I foresee that more and more practitioners will discover financial success and freedom to deliver individualized services in private practice outside of managed care. These practitioners will increase their satisfaction level and sustain it.

From the outset, I established a private-pay-only practice. I did this for several reasons:

I believe that managed care does not cover high quality services
Clients want and deserve customized attention
Many people value real privacy, which they cannot have in managed care
I believe I deserve to make a good living in the profession, and can design a more satisfying workplace outside of managed care

The question was, would enough people be willing to pay out of pocket for services?

The answer was and is YES. More and more, people are coming to the realization that insurance no longer covers high-quality therapy. If people desire it, they have to pay out of pocket. If people pay less, they get less.

Managed care does not cover high-quality therapy or many psychologically-based services for which people feel a need. People will pay for services they perceive as a sufficient value to themselves.

The value of private-pay services over managed-care services are that they are more personalized, remove the stigma of the medical model and clinic setting, offer true privacy and are higher quality.

In addition, we have the distinction and opportunity to offer services from a personal growth model in addition to or in place of the traditional medical model.

When you let go of managed care, you:

1. Assume control of your services, income and lifestyle. There is greater opportunity for financial success and satisfaction in your work.

2. Have greater enjoyment and passion for your work. You wont be as bored with your work, and will be less susceptible to burnout. This model encourages you to do more of the work that taps into who you are, what you love to do and unleashes your creativity. You will have greater variety in the work you do, not the same basic work day-in and day-out.

William D. Morgan is a psychologist, author, and private practice business coach. He coaches human service professionals and others who want to build thriving practices. For more helpful information and tips, visit This is an excerpt from his NEW BOOK Today's Private Practice: Strategies for Building a Thriving Managed-Care Free Psychotherapy Practice, Blog71026
Vinni Blog95587

When To Hire A Pro For Your Marketing And When To Do It Yourself

If youre just beginning your small business marketing, the choice between paying to hire a professional to do your small business marketing is a hard one. You probably feel compelled to do everything yourself. Not only will that save you from paying someone elses fees, but youll also have more control.

But to be successful in your small business marketing you have to be forward thinking. Doing your own small business marketing today may hurt you in the long run, even if hiring a professional today seems like a financial stretch. Heres why:

1.Doing your small business marketing yourself from your taxes to your graphic design may seem like its saving you money, but it may not be. Think about what you would be doing if you werent trying to figure out TurboTax or Microsoft Publisher. Would the alternative bring you in more money in the long run? If so, then by all means, hire a professional.

2.Think about your impression of other small business marketing materials. Youve probably seen your share of cookie-cutter websites, logos that were constructed in Paint, business cards that were printed out and cut at home. What did you think of those businesses? The adage may be that you shouldnt judge a book by its cover, but the fact is that we do. Your prospective customers will judge you by your small business marketing materials. So if you dont have the expertise to make your small business marketing materials professional, by all means hire someone who does.

3.Even if you do have the talent to create professional-looking small business marketing materials, trying to create your website on your own can be risky business. Unfortunately, the world of html, java script, and flash is a complicated one thats most often best navigated by professionals with experience (and computer science degrees!). Website creation packages like Publisher, DreamWeaver, and FrontPage may advertise that theyre easy to use, but unless youre very tech savvy, you may end up creating more problems (like a website thats not search engine friendly the small business marketers worst nightmare!) than solutions.

Fortunately, in todays global world, you dont have to limit yourself to your own town or even country to find a professional to help you with your small business marketing. And while you may not want to hire a tax professional in India to prepare your taxes, there are a lot of service providers in other countries willing and able to do high-quality small business marketing work at a fraction of what youd pay a U.S. provider.

That said, doing your own small business marketing yourself (some of it at least) is not always a bad idea. Creating your own contact lists, for example, is one small business marketing activity you can easily tackle on your own saving you hundreds or thousands of dollars over buying the list from a firm. Fortunately, the Internet offers a wide variety of good advice for do-it-yourself small business marketing.

Brandt Stohr, the Small Business Marketing Genius has brought startup one man operations to billion dollar corporations by using creative marketing techniques rather then investors and capital. Brandt has been helped hundreds of entrepreneurs to get their small businesses exploding with sales without the use of expensive traditional marketing techniques. For more information and a free report on the ten deadly mistakes most small businesses are still making visit Brandt Stohr's site at http://www.smallbusinessmktng.comFarrand Blog1292
Ethelin Blog89838

Websites Made For Affiliate Programs - Better Than Contextual Advertisement?

When working with internet marketing, making websites designed to generate affiliate commission, it is sometimes difficult to find new niches to make websites about. Trying to find a niche with competitive commissions, but without the following fierce competition is of course hard, but it is not at all impossible.

One popular way of making money online is by using small websites designed only with adsense or any other contextual advertisement in mind. These sites often referred to as mini- or micro-sites - are made to target unusual search phrases, often in highly competitive niches. This way, they can reach fairly high search engine rankings without to much work. The terms targeted will not bring many visitors, but the traffic it does bring will be highly targeted, thus converting well.

When using contextual ads as with any form of paid-per-click programs the main objective is to make visitors click the ads, they do not necessarily have to end up buying anything. Thats for the webmaster buying the clicks to worry about.

When working with pay per sale affiliate programs, one needs to take a different approach. Most affiliate programs operate by a pay per sale model, making it essential to send good traffic their way, i.e. visitors who will actually buy the products promoted.

Compared to a PPC model, this sure is far more work, but the upside is huge. Working in a similar way as with contextual ad websites, you can easily target odd search terms in highly profitable niches, thus receiving search engine visitors of good quality. You might not get that many visitors, but if you are working with the right keywords, many of them will be searching for exactly what you are offering.

There are a lot of online tools to aid you when looking for a niche with good potential revenue, but a fast and easy way to get a grasp of a niche is to do a few searches on google. Looking at the number of results for any given search term will give you an idea of the competition. Mostly this is closely related to the potential profit, as more money naturally attracts more competitors.

Click a few of the sponsored ads, to see what landing pages people are using when buying traffic on that keyword. Remember people are paying to have a visitor see these landing pages, so in most cases they are very well converting, making them excellent to study before you make a website in the same niche.

To fully take advantage of the visitors you send to an affiliate program, you should find a program offering residual commission. This way, you will not only get a commission on the first sale, but get a commission of all future sales to this customer. In a way, its your customer.

Considering the limited amount of visitors expected, another important factor to consider before joining an affiliate program is their promotional material. Are you looking for text links only, or are you looking for graphics for banner advertising on your page? If you can find an affiliate program in your niche, offering affiliate links to specific products rather than the main page, it will make it much easier to target your visitors better. If you are getting visitors using the same search term, its not hard to find a specific product to present them with.

Many websites offer free stuff and/or an initial discount when a new customer joins them. Make sure you are using all the promotions available to you when you join and promote your affiliate program - preferably found at

Theo Swan - Writing about affiliate marketing and how to make your website stand out. Read more about converting traffic, or find a new program, at http://www.affiliateranker.comVictoria Blog43456
Fara Blog54217

The Truth About LinkShare One of the most effective business promotion internet affiliate marketing online network!

Now, I am going to give you the reasons why you have to use business promotion internet affiliate marketing online network called "LinkShare". Youll discover a couple reasons why you need to use LinkShare for your own business promotion internet affiliate marketing online.

READ THIS: If you are truly serious about the business promotion internet affiliate marketing online.

Online affiliate marketing is one of the most effective, cheapest and fastest ways to promote merchandise. With millions of people getting access to the Internet everyday, theres a great real home based business opportunity for a merchant to introduce his products and services to a wider market, thereby, maximizing his revenue.

Likewise, business promotion internet affiliate marketing online is an excellent way to generate full-time income for a home-based affiliate marketing entrepreneur. For someone who is jaded of going through a grueling eight-hour work routine, business promotion internet affiliate marketing online offers a great real home based business opportunity to earn big without wearing himself outphysically, mentally and emotionally.

In business promotion internet affiliate marketing online, both parties are benefited since as the merchant earns from each item sold, the affiliate marketing entrepreneur likewise earns an affiliate commission.

If you are interested in business promotion internet affiliate marketing online but are finding it hard to look for webmaster affiliates programs, affiliate marketing entrepreneurs or merchants, you can start by checking sites of various affiliate marketing networks. Many webmaster affiliates programs in the Internet are being offered through a webmaster affiliates program network, which acts as a link between the merchants and individual affiliate marketing entrepreneurs.

Among the most popular is LinkShare, it is through it that merchants and affiliate marketing entrepreneurs meet. LinkShare maintains and manages affiliate marketing programs for a great number of merchants with various kinds of businesses, products and services. It also has over 6,000 affiliate site members in its affiliate marketing network. It gains profit from the set-up fees, monthly account maintenance fees and affiliate commissions.

Joining networks like LinkShare can be of great help in establishing your online home based affiliate marketing business. Whether you are a merchant or an affiliate marketing entrepreneur, you need to research well on your partners in order to choose the best for you.

LinkShare provides the facility of acquiring access to a large affiliate marketing network of advertisers (merchants) who offer their web affiliate programs to publishers (affiliates) who are willing to promote their products. In the same manner, it gives the merchants access to a large affiliate marketing network of affiliate marketing entrepreneurs who are searching for business promotion internet affiliate marketing online & high income business opportunities.

LinkShare is especially beneficial for an affiliate marketing entrepreneur in choosing his partners since he can find his options all in one location. It would be easier for him to compare products, affiliate commission rates and other benefits given by the merchant. The merchant usually just waits for interested affiliate marketing entrepreneurs to sign up in his affiliate marketing program but being in the network increases his real home based business opportunity to promote his products to a larger market, thus, maximizing his potential to gain huge profit.

To help you decide whether to use large affiliate networks such as LinkShare or not, let us try to look deeper into its positive and negative sides. The primary advantage of LinkShare to you as an affiliate marketing entrepreneur is convenience.

As earlier mentioned, you find different pieces of information about your choices simultaneously all in a single location, so you save time and effort looking for web affiliate programs or merchants.

Its also easier to track your business partners performance through monthly reports and statements, as well as its sales and affiliate commission rates, so you know whether the affiliate program is still worth continuing. If you have signed up for several affiliate programs, you can check all your statistics for each merchandiser you are affiliated with by logging in just once.

LinkShare helps you manage and maintain all records of your visitors click-through and sales transaction. It takes care of your affiliate commissions and gives it to you monthly in lump sum. Especially when you have more than one merchant partner, it would be easier for you to manage your accounts and track your earnings when you are affiliated through a marketing program network.

Furthermore, every information you get is accurate and secured, so you are protected from all the risk you might encounter. Above all, you can enjoy LinkShares benefits for free. You just have to go to their site and register your website. Instantly, you get access to a great variety of affiliate programs available for you.

Sign up now for LinkShare affiliate marketing network. Youll start earning money in your business promotion internet affiliate marketing online now! Also, youll discover a ton of web affiliate programs to promote online.

So, whats on the negative side? Although, it is indeed helpful to join business promotion internet affiliate marketing online networks such as LinkShare, there are some disadvantages, too.

For one, merchants offer lower affiliate commissions to affiliate marketing entrepreneurs who partner with them through the third party program network. This because they still have to pay for the use of service and the technology provided by LinkShare.

Direct partnership with the merchant cuts costs of advertising through the affiliate marketing network and so the affiliate has bigger potential to earn more. Moreover, it is possible that your payment may be delayed for a month or more since program networks would pay you only after the advertiser or the merchant has paid them.

Do you need to use LinkShare or other networks? It depends, actually. You can opt for direct partnership with the merchant, but this choice is not applicable all the time. There are a lot of merchandisers who offer their affiliate program only through affiliate program networks and thus, you have no choice other than joining the network to get into the affiliate marketing program.

So you are faced with take it or leave it" situation. But LinkShare and other program networks are not that disadvantageous. After all, whether you join it or not, earning big would depend more on your promotional strategies and persistence.

Finally, LinkShare affiliate marketing network is another place for starting promoting web affiliate programs and earning money in a minute. Personally, there are a lot of quality webmaster affiliates programs waiting for you to tap-in.

Read more about how to make big money online at home through affiliate marketing business at:

Siripong R. or zMillionDollars is a recognized authority on the subject of making money online from home through highly profitable & successful home based business. His websites, and, provide a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about earning money online.Fawna Blog99902
Verile Blog10451

Learning to Make Money from Raw Land Investments

Conventional wisdom says that land investment is usually a long-term investment that requires patience and many years of waiting before one can reap substantial profits. The Land Institute, Inc has dispelled this long held notion and is demonstrating to the average investor that raw land investment can reap substantial rewards in the short term..if you know how to.

The land investment experts at The Land Institute(TLI) have demonstrated through its courses that they can buy and sell a piece of raw land within 60 days for a profit. They do this through a 5-step process, which are as follows:

1. Locate the land
2. Evaluate the lands market value
3. Take control of the land
4. Subdivide the land into smaller parcels
5. Sell it quickly for a profit

Raw land investment is an excellent investment vehicle because 70% of the country is covered with vacant land. With so much land available, there is abundant opportunity for everyone to make some money.

Some of the best land investment opportunities are not advertised in the media and can be found by simply driving along the countryside, outside the city and looking for a land for sale sign.

According to the land investment experts at TLI, one of the ways to look for a motivated seller is to look for landowners who are not locals. Very often, people who are not local do not have the time to manage and maintain their land. They also often become frustrated when dealing with the local county. An easy way to look for a non-local landowner is to visit the courthouse and check the records there. Once the landowners have been identified, the next step is to contact them by phone or mail to check if they are interested to sell their land.

To succeed in raw land investment, it is important to network and build a team of support associates over time. It is important not to do everything yourself. This is where delegation and outsourcing becomes an essential part of managing the deal. As an investor, one will need people who can support us in diverse areas such as finance, law, sales, marketing, etc.

Many sellers face difficulty selling their land quickly as they do not know how to package their land in such a way that it is useful to potential buyers. At TLI, students are taught how to purchase land at a bargain and add value to the land before selling it for a huge profit. They are also taught how to look for motivated sellers and deal with potential problems related to zoning, bad contractors and county approvals. For more info about these courses, visit

Shanu Srivastava has been investing in real estate for over 5 years, and has been involved in over 200 properties. He has completed all kinds of transactions ranging from a Subject To purchase to a pre-foreclosure short sale to raw land quick turns. He is currently teaching students from around the country to find land deals with virtually no competition.Fey Blog14255
Fay Blog62409

Web Hosting Let Me Explain

If you want a website, then before you do anything else, youre going to need to get some web hosting.

You might not be too sure exactly how the web works, but dont worry its quite complicated, and you dont really need to know about it until you want to make your own website. Basically, every time you go to a website, you connect to another computer (called a server) that sends you copies of that websites pages. Server have to be powerful, as thousands of people could be asking for those pages every second on the webs biggest sites.

For a small site, you dont need your own server. You could set your own computer up to run as a server, but you would have to leave it switched on and connected to the Internet all day long, and if your site got even a little bit popular then your connection probably wouldnt be able to handle it. Instead, what most people do is rent some space on one of those larger servers, paying a different monthly fee depending on how much data their visitors download and for any extra features they need.

If you want a website, then, the first thing you should do is find which one of these web hosts is best for you that is, whose server you should rent space on. Much like looking to rent a home, this is really a matter of personal taste. Paying more is no guarantee of quality, as many hosts prey on their customers lack of understanding to charge unjustifiably high prices. In general, the best way to find a good web hosting company is to ask around, read reviews, and ask on forums for peoples experiences. Youll often find that what seemed like a good deal is actually a disaster, and be steered towards something much better.

John Gibb is the owner of, for more information on web hosting check out http://www.web-hostng-advice-and-info2k.infoFrancine Blog62579
Evania Blog95242

Are You Jumping Into A Home Business Scam?

Across the internet there are hundreds of thousands of websites and businesses on all sorts of topics. Whether you're starting your own business or joining another business, there is always the potential of running into a home business scam. As long as you take the time to research and find all of the facts, you should have no problem avoiding an internet scam.

There are a number of home business scams on the internet that you have to be wary of. The first scam to pay attention to is the myth that you can make money online easily. You'll hear this myth spread across the internet everywhere from companies trying to get you to join their team. Once they have you reeled in, all they will do is take your money and you will most probably end up quitting sooner than success comes your way.

Although it's not easy or quick to make money on the internet, there is no internet scam that you can have success with online. To better your chances of joining a company and having success, take the time to get to know the company. This way you can truly get the gist of how the company runs and what they are all about. Too many companies are not there for you. They're just there to provide you with a few quick training materials and are on their way.

The best way to have success online with a company is to find a company that will guide you to success. Giving you a few training materials and expecting you to learn yourself will only frustrate you and probably lead you to failure.

Another home business scam that you may encounter is businesses giving you the bare minimum information to get you to join. Businesses on the internet know exactly what you want to hear and will provide you with just enough information to take your money. The easiest way to get around this is to ask as many questions as possible and find out exactly what the company isn't telling you. Never join a company without getting all of your questions answered.

Lastly, take careful notice to any chain letters within the company. All there is to this internet scam is you sending $10 to receive the company's mailing list and labels. The trick is that only the people who are at the top of the chain truly earn any money because they are constantly receiving new names and addresses. For everyone else, they're stuck with a list of rejects.

Getting into a home business can be difficult, especially if you're not familiar with the way internet marketing is run. However, the easiest way to avoid any home business scams is to research and ask as many questions as possible. The deeper you dig into the company, the more you will be able to find what the company is truly about.

Vincent Murphy is the Webmaster/Owner of http://www.HomeGrail.comViki Blog11510
Valentia Blog46951

6 Critical Elements In Creating Successful Web-Marketing Campaigns

With the growing realization that the marketplace is not what it used to be, more and more companies are turning to the Web as the marketing environment capable of reaching a dispersed diaspora of 'Long Tail' (Chris Anderson, "The Long Tail", Wired Magazine) interested prospects with a relevant memorable marketing message.

Realizing that you now have an economically viable multimedia platform that evens the marketing playing field, you must carefully consider how to proceed. If you merely transfer your traditional print advertising and direct marketing mailings to the Internet, you will be left behind.

Any business can put together a successful Web-based marketing plan if they take the time to define the six critical elements of a Web-marketing campaign:

1. Marketing Purpose
2. Marketing Objectives
3. Presentation Vehicle
4. Information Format
5. Marketing Venue
6. Achievable Expectations

1. Marketing Purpose

Marketing is all about building a brand personality that relates to an interested audience of either business-to-consumer or business-to-business prospects. Prospects search-out brands that help them construct and maintain their own self-image or at least an image that they aspire to, an image that they are comfortable communicating to others. The purchase, for example, of a Macintosh computer says as much about who bought it, as it does about that person's computing requirements.

"Thus, while the psychological/emotional need is to construct, reconstruct, and maintain the self-identity, the socio-cultural need is to communicate to others the self-identity." -Ouwersloot & Tudorica, 'Brand Personality Propositions'.

Accepting the need to build a brand personality that legitimate prospects can relate to might very well mean rethinking exactly who you are as a company and exactly what you are offering on both a psychological, emotional and socio-cultural level.

Most companies have a well-defined list of functional benefits that they provide clients; but what you have to ask yourself is, what psychological, emotional, and socio-cultural benefits do you offer and are they represented by your corporate image or brand personality? And if you think this only applies to consumer product companies, you are mistaken. Every company from industrial widget suppliers to packaged goods manufacturers needs to define their personality in terms of the emotive benefits they provide.

2. Marketing Objectives

One of the most difficult things for small companies to accept is that sales are the result of establishing an appropriate marketing framework. Once you recognize that the real purpose of marketing is to create a relationship with your audience based on an emotional connection in the form of a brand personality, you are ready for the next step: defining your marketing objectives.

Successful marketing campaigns rely on strategies and tactics that grow out of defining eight important marketing objectives.

Awareness: objective one is to make your market audience aware of your existence, but name recognition alone won't bring in the orders.

Attention: objective two is to draw attention to your company, product, or service. Your market audience may be aware of your existence but not understand or care what you do or why they should be interested. You have to do something to attract their attention before they'll listen to what you have to say.

Comprehension: objective three is to explain to your market audience what it is you are offering them. Telling people you sell the best widget and provide the best service is meaningless - your audience must understand how their personal or professional lives are going to be improved functionally, emotionally, and socially. Most automobiles will get you were you want to go (functional benefit), but a Mercedes gets you there in style (emotional benefit) and displays to the world that you are a success (social benefit). When was the last time you saw a real estate agent drive around in a jalopy? As focused on closing the sale as real estate agents are, they instinctively know they must project a confident, comfortable, successful professional image.

Knowledge: objective four is to provide your audience with the ammunition they need to make the purchase. Your prospects need to justify to themselves, their corporate superiors, or maybe their spouses, their purchasing decision. Prospects must be educated, informed, and enthused with the knowledge that your company, product, or service is the right choice.

Behavior/Experience: objective five is the creation of a corporate culture that matches your brand personality. If prospects are frustrated or annoyed by their experience in dealing with you, your website, or your email landing page, then all the feel-good advertising in the world is wasted. The customer experience of dealing with your company must match the image you project.

Involvement: objective six is to evangelize your customers so that they become involved in promoting your product, service, or company to their friends and colleagues. People want to show-off their intelligence, good taste, and business acumen. If your product fulfills your customers' emotional and psychological needs, they will become your best sales people.

Ability: objective seven is to education your customers so that they can maximize the benefits from their purchase. Show customers how to increase their ability to achieve, perform, or excel by using your product or service. It is absolutely amazing how many 'how to' books are sold by third parties to supplement the dreadful instructions and manuals provided by manufacturers. Think about the message you are sending customers when they have to buy a book with the word "Dummies" in the title, just to make your product work.

Opportunity: objective eight is to give customers the opportunity to purchase you product or service either directly or through an appropriate channel of distribution. Spending money on advertising and promotion for things people can't get is not much value. If prospects can't satisfy their needs when they want to, you'll have missed your chance.

3. Presentation Vehicle

Old habits and ideas are hard to overcome. After all we are creatures of habit, more accurately we are creatures of pattern. We understand the world around us by absorbing familiar patterns of action and behavior. Patterns make it easier for us to deal with the complexities of modern life and the demands of everyday work. This is a good thing as long as these patterns serve our needs, but the world of marketing communication has changed.

There is a new marketing paradigm that needs to be accepted and new sets of behavior patterns that need to be acknowledged. There was a time when you used the phone book to lookup phone numbers and the local newspaper to find what movies were playing; but today, the first place people go is the Internet. Things have changed and businesses have to change with the times.

Sure every business has a website, that's a given, but most websites are nothing more than digital versions of company brochures or catalogues that have been pushed and pulled out of shape by SEO consultants selling the latest miracle marketing cure - more traffic. Never mind the appropriateness of the traffic, or the relevancy of the bloated SEO-massaged content, or the meaningfulness of the marketing message. Traffic by itself will not win the day or get you where you want to be - this is nothing more than the same old shotgun volume broadcast approach that we know doesn't work for most companies.

The real issue here is presenting relevant, meaningful, compelling, informative, memorable material on your websites and landing pages to an interested audience that actually cares what you have to say - just make sure you say something worthwhile.

So how do we do it? The answer is Web-based multimedia presentations. Now let's be clear what we are not talking about: we are not talking about adding meaningless background music or irritating banner animations to your site. What we are talking about is using audio and video to present information that establishes your expertise, creates your brand personality, and delivers your marketing message so it sticks in the minds of your audience.

4. Information Format

Your Web-marketing campaign should consist of a variety of information vehicles that each build on one another, creating the image and delivering the information that will ultimately lead to a relationship.

Your Web-marketing campaign should be aimed at achieving more than just a sale; it should be aimed at creating a satisfied customer who will promote your company through word-of-mouth. To achieve this end you must deliver a variety of information to potential clients; information that attracts attention, narrows decisions, instructs usage, and promotes involvement.

Information as entertainment: when you want to establish a personality or image, your audio or video presentation should have some entertainment element. This entertainment element could be in the character of the presenter, the script or dialog being presented, or merely the style and panache of the voice-over announcer or on-screen actor.

Information as knowledge: there used to be a Buffalo-based clothing retailer that featured the slogan, 'an educated consumer is our best customer." They never had a sale, but all their clothes were discounted the same way on a sliding scale based on how long the merchandise was in inventory. All their advertisements explained their policy in clear, concise terms. They understood, that if customers know and trust their policy they would have confidence that they were buying from a legitimate retailer at a legitimate price.

Information as instruction: we live in a very complex world where products and services are increasingly complicated. If we want customers to take the leap of faith and buy our merchandise and hopefully upgrade to bigger, better, more expensive versions, then customers must understand how to use the product and also how to maximize the promised benefits from their purchase. Teaching people how to take better photographs with the camera you sell is a far better sales tactic that promoting an extra feature they will never use.

Information as involvement: we all know word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising. Getting your Web-audience involved in your campaigns through the use of contests, surveys, and interactive entertainments are only a few ways to get them involved. But the best way to get people involved in evangelizing your product is to provide an experience that echoes their psychological, emotional, and socio-cultural aspirations.

Information as promotion: let's face facts, the vast majority of website visitors are jaded and cynical and hypersensitive to unscrupulous online businesses. Most of your Web-audience puts you right next to politicians and used car salesman in the trust department. You are not going to overcome this lack of confidence with a website that smacks of high pressure or alternatively a website that bores people. Present your offer using real people delivering a well crafted message that reflects your company persona and inspires confidence rather than puts out danger signals.

5. Marketing Venue

The Web's multimedia capability has often been equated to an egalitarian form of television, where every company has a shot at attracting an audience without the high cost of buying airtime, but like television it is the programs people are attracted to, not the commercials. If your website is nothing more than a commercial your visitors will hyperlink themselves away from your site at warp speed.

If we equate the new multimedia Web to television, we must construct our websites as if they were programs, not brochures. An excellent example of this new style website is the Ford Motor Company's 'Bold Moves' site (

Your email marketing and Adword campaigns are the equivalent of program teasers, attracting people to your main site, campaign micro-site, or landing page based on a content hook and promise.

6. Achievable Expectations

We are all concerned about ROI but you cannot expect instantaneous results. Websites are long-term investments that must be continually tweaked to conform to your long-range strategic objectives. You must have realistic achievable expectations: new leads, customer inquiries, information requests, newsletter sign-ups, and even complaints. You cannot determine the value of your site based on direct sales alone. If you are not achieving adequate results, then it's time you rethought your website strategy in terms of it's multimedia content and program potential.

Jerry Bader is Partner at MRPwebmedia, a website design firm that specializes in using audio & video to create memorable Web-experiences. Visit, Contact or telephone (905) 764-1246.Valery Blog78866
Fania Blog96714

7 Tricks to Starting an Online Business

The biggest challenge anyone has to making money on the internet is learning how to market or advertise your business on the web.

With that said, here are 7 tricks to starting your online business. A full and complete version can be found at the website below.

Tip: 1

Start small (investment) and learn your way through the mud. Find a business you can start for $20 or less.

Tip: 2

Find a mentor who you can rely on to bounce questions off their head almost anytime of day. This person will become much more than a mentor or friend, they will become your life-blood to online success. All of us have one or several of these people and they make that much of a difference.

Tip: 3

Knowledge and training kind of go hand in hand. You need to have access to a library of information that can help you learn how to market, where to market and what to pay for that marketing expense.

Tip: 4

When your computer is turned on, it is very easy to get lead astray. One simple email can take you off task. Before you turn on your compute, have a plan laid out that will help you stay on task and keep you in the trenches.

Tip: 5

Your business must include "add-on" products. Much like stacking a set of books one on top of each other, you need to find a business that allows you to add on products that will increase your income from one single personal contact. Your best customers will always be inclined to purchase more from you, as long as you have a quality product.

Tip: 6

Business tools if at all possible should be a covered expense by your company. Yes, you can start out selling for clickbank, but you better have your own website to do it with.

A good company will include all your business tools without you having to pay a dime for them. I am talking about a system which includes: web hosting, domain name, programming, SEO managing, maintenance, forum, training library, etc.

Tip: 7

You need "high in demand" products. Some of the best products are digital in nature. "How to" products are a hot commodity on and off the internet and if you find them, market them, you will make some good money, which leads me to.....

Tip: 8

Yes, I know I said 7 tricks but forgive me without adding. "GETTING PAID". That is the only reason to start an online business, correct?

You want to make some extra money. Let me ask you one simple question: Would rather be paid 20 commission or 100 commission. Currently we receive 100% commission from each product sale and we like it that way.

The author, Bob Alter has been marketing on the internet since 1998. To read the entire article please visit: Blog7623
Viva Blog5244

Would You Use Your Product If You Weren't Selling It?

So, you can't get people to buy your product or service? Before you go forward another minute with your business, ask yourself:

Would you use your product/service if you were not selling it, yes or no?

Be honest with yourself.

If yes, ask for and find people in the right niche - those who feel like you do already or who know those sorts - like looking for a tennis partner in a new town.

If not, look for a product line or service to market that you DO love and that you would use even if you weren't selling it.

If you don't love what you sell madly, you will come across like well, just a 'professional sales type' - someone who's selling for it the money. Would you want to buy from someone like that?

I'd rather buy from an amateur- someone who is ga ga about something and is telling me about it because they love it themselves first, and I know they are interested and knowledgeable about that kind of thing anyway.

Think an environmentalist marketing earth-friendly cleaning products.

When someone doesn't have genuine, strong feelings about the thing they're selling, we all know it, don't we? Faked 'excitement' becomes transparent in a New York minute.

Who wants to be perceived as one of those types?

P.S. Here's that distinction between professional and amatuer which I love so madly...

"Amateur is not below professional. It's just another way of doing [business/media]. The root of the word amateur is love, and someone who does something for love is an amateur. Someone who does something to pay the bills is a professional. The amateurs have [more integrity than] the professionals. If you're an amateur you have less conflict of interest and less reason not to tell your truth than if you have to pay the bills and please somebody else."

Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated. Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a popular blog,, a podcast, and a giant resource site, Blog31074
Fidela Blog6545

Classy Store Fixtures Add Pizzaz To Any Retail Display

Ever look into a window of a store only to be bored and underwhelmed? Excitement and interest are key components to the success of any retail display. The merchandise must certainly be interesting and inviting to get you into the store. However, the store fixtures can add interest also and are as much of the retail store presentation and its ultimate merchandising success as the product line itself.

Retail merchandising has always been about creating interest and some buzz about the product being sold. When buying at wholesale and reselling, the store owner has got to provide some excitement in order to get buyers interested and ultimately buying. Todays fixtures are not just the standard chrome or painted white shelves of the past. The store owner has an array of classy display units to choose from to create an interesting display to grab and hold the customers interest.

Retail fixtures now come in many styles. If you have a gift or accessories store, consider using some of the wrought iron bakers racks and display racks. These units are available with wire, wood and glass shelves to accommodate most small product lines. A variety of wholesale vendors have fixtures and display racks readily available ranging from classic old world designs to ultra modern styling. Pick a style that fits your store and then arrange merchandise in an interesting and inviting fashion. While chrome and basic black are good standbys when unsure of color direction, you can choose a color theme like gold, rust finish or other popular tone to enhance the look in your store.

Shelves and shelf style are an important choice also when choosing store fixtures. If you have a plant store or are merchandising baskets, racks or fixtures with wire shelves might be the right choice for you. Other small items like small decorative accessories display well on glass shelves. Glass allows light to pass through each shelf and does not create an extremely dark area near the bottom of the unit. While this can be offset with spot lighting in the store, the retailer generally needs all the available light to properly display retail merchandise. Wood, metal and other solid surface shelves can provide a great deal of weight bearing capacity but as mentioned limit the amount of light available near the floor to display merchandise. Choose your fixtures based on the type of merchandise your are displaying.

While plain white metal shelves are great for selling cereal, they leave much to be desired when selling collectibles and decorative accessories. Jane does not have to Plain when it comes to the retail store environment. Jazz it up a little buy choosing display fixtures with class and style to enhance your products. Inject some interest into your merchandising presentations and you will have a store filled with customers and a fat bottom line. Dont worry about Where Are My Customers. Instead concern yourself with more important details like making sure you have a good supply of printing tape for the cash register.

Art Allen is a contributing author and product design consultantFarrah Blog31887
Feodora Blog99838

How To Build A Home Internet Business And Keep Your Finances Under Control

If home responsibilities such as watching your children and managing the daily household activities leave you despairing that you will never be able to hold a full-time job, think again. It may be time for you to look at how to build a home internet business. Most families can not afford to live off of only one income especially after having children. Bills continue to escalate, and so a solution is needed.

Running a home business offers the advantage of running the household, while earning an income. However, as with any business venture, to build a home internet business is not an easy task. How exactly does one go about setting up said business?

A simple internet search will reveal a myriad of programs and tools that are available to help you build a home internet business. However, it is often unnecessary to spend thousands of dollars getting yourself up to speed leaning the latest and greatest about home business ventures. Todays technology allows one to readily access many resources for free.

One big pitfall when one begins to build a home internet business is the temptation to buy all the must have products and devices that are guaranteed to make your business venture a success. What ends up happening is that those initial profits all must go to payoff the incurred debts.

Avoiding huge credit debts from the start is easy, if a plan is implemented and followed. Before you spend one nickel on your business, try to strategize ways to build a home internet business without spending any money.

The following tips are meant to help keep your start up costs low or nonexistent. Wouldnt that be nice?!

1. Purchase equipment only when you must have it to continue business.

It is easy to get over zealous and buy everything that you think that youll need. Chances are you wont need many equipment items until later. This will keep initial costs down.

2. Use the space that you have!

Many beginning entrepreneurs tend to purchase items that will add more convenience in their work space. Now, there is nothing wrong with this, but when you are trying to cut costs or not incur any completely, there is no need to purchase that new desk or chair.

Use the walls, use the floors, use every inch of space available if need be! Purchasing just one cabinet will set you back a pretty penny and keep you farther from your ultimate goal seeing actual profit.

To build a home internet business is no easy quick-fix solution to your work at home dream. However, it is feasible and doable without spending thousands, hundreds and sometimes any money.

CW Teo can help you Build a Home Internet Business. Click here for the details! http://www.yourhomebizpartner.comVictoria Blog80415
Erminia Blog8965

11 Top Questions About Mission Critical

This article is from your MYB Consultancy for small business owners, in fact any business owner

Online Business Education and Operational Risk Management Training

This is part of the series on Regaining Control

Mission Statement no argument about this!

Do you have that all important Mission Statement? Assuming as a small business owner you have a Vision of where you want to go, it therefore makes sense that small business owners must identify the way in which they will get there. Every small business owner needs to know and articulate their Mission Statement. Big business does!

Even when small business owners, The Team Leaders, have a Vision of their future my consultancy regularly finds they dont have rules about how to get there. Yes, there are some practices that could be construed as the rules, but are these rules the ones you really want happening in your business? They are not thought out well. The rules are often practiced by default rather than purpose. They are not helping you implement excellent business practices. There are no common practices used company wide. Only some team members know what they are. Enough, Enough! Every successful small business owner that I know has a Mission Statement. So will you because you want to be successful too.

To create your Mission Statement here a 11 great issues to lead you in developing your Rules:

1. Do your customers know how you will treat them?

2. Do you know how you will treat your customers?

3. Do you know what products and services you actually provide?

4. Do you know what quality your products and services will be?

5. Do you know how you value your team members?

6. Do your team members know how they are valued?

7. Do you know what unique qualities your company has?

8. Do your customers know your companies unique qualities?

9. Are your rules of practices and behaviour documented?

10. Are theyt relevant and easy to understand by everyone who reads them?

11. Are they inculcated in every ones mind, behaviour and practice.

If you havent worked out your answers and captured them for all to know get onto it ASAP. Its Mission Critical.

As you are a small business owner now you have a common sense and simple way to find out what needs to be in this critical, invaluable Team Leaders business tool. All successful small business owners know and live the answers to the above 11 issues. You could say Mission Statement Critical - know the rules and regain control!

Take advantage of FREE online business educations and maximise your Operational Risk Management training.

More small business owners success tips from me are at

Mission Critical
Elaine Masters
Business Consultant & Coach
Online Business Education
Operational Risk Management Training
Master Your Business

Elaine Masters is a qualified business coach of successful small business owners who want the best business possible. Business knowledge and experience for hungry minds. Find what successful business owners know and others should learn to be successful. Blog13948
Freddy Blog82102

Internet Marketing Myths, Fallacies, and Fairytales

Before you even begin hopping onto the Internet marketing e-bandwagon, you must be aware of its myths, fallacies, and fairytales. Yes, Internet marketing is fascinating, it has incredible rags-to-riches fables, and you are just dying to get a slice of the pie. But before you do so, take a breather. Maybe these tips will help save the shirt on your back one rainy day.

Myth #1: Internet Marketing is a Piece of Cake

If it were that easy, everyone and their girlfriend would be e-millionaires by now. However, in comparison to traditional brick-and mortar businesses with huge overheads like rent, salaries, etc, it is certainly more lucrative. Overheads are minimal and affiliate marketing helps you quickly start churning some decent profits.

Myth #2: Everyone Makes Money Online

Can everyone fly an airplane? You might be willing to learn how to fly it, you may even able to fly it some day, however, most people won't even make the initial effort to learn how to fly the plane. The same logic applies to making money online. Everyone knows that they can make a lot of money online but only a few pursue that dream with hard work, determination, and a bit of luck.

Myth #3: Internet Marketing = Get Rich Quick

The only way to get rich quick on the Net is to win a lottery. Banish the idea, get rid of it completely, and erase it from your memory banks! Start building a genuine online business with real equity, sincerity, and dedication, and do it consistently over a period of time. I guarantee that you will get rich if you follow my advice. The good news is that Internet Marketing is less risky than a traditional business and also, requires relatively lesser time to establish and grow.

Myth #4: It's Zero Cost

There is no such thing as a free lunch. Everything costs money, from your Internet access costs, to the cost of purchasing a PC, to fees for the affiliation membership to a website, enrolment for an Internet marketing plan, etc. Costs crop up everywhere. However, start-up costs are relatively more reasonable here than in traditional businesses.

Myth #5: It's Too Late to Start Now

It is never too late to start anything, if you know your target market, that is. Dont even attempt to become a Google or a Johnny-come-lately MSN. You might just fail before you even begin. Think of niche marketing as a solution to dead-end low-paying jobs or loss-making companies you owned.

Myth #6: Built It, and It Will Sell

This is opposite of the previous myth. Either its too late to start or its very easy to do just that. This is bunkum. This myth promotes the fallacy that if you hobble together any old site, people will flock to it. Why should they? Will people pay good money to buy a bullock cart, if you happen to throw it all together and create one? Similarly for the Internet. If you have planned a site, and you have designed a good business plan, implemented it effectively, then the buyers will come to you. And not a moment before that.

Myth #7: Only Tech Gurus Make it Big

Bill Gates isnt one. And anyways, tech has advanced so rapidly, that you can find sophisticated tools and software sometimes even for free that help you do everything with the click of a button. For example, earlier HTML required hours of coding and months of training. Now, with the help of What You See Is What You get (WYSIWYG) editors, templates, tutorials, etc even a granny can create her own website in minutes.

Myth #8: Its all Just Hype

Well, there is no smoke without fire. People arent crazy to chuck up secure jobs to venture into online marketing. Its not all just hype in the same way its not just a piece of cake. Between these 2 extremes lies a viable, intelligent, working system that will help you achieve great success provided you are ready to work hard and work smart.

Lewis Low is the founding editor of For more Practical Online Business Ideas and Work-From-Home Opportunities, visit his Work-At-Home directory at http://www.OnlineBizPromo.comVicki Blog95429
Vivi Blog26756

How to Promote Your CD

Congratulations! Your debut CD is now recorded, replicated, packaged, and ready for market. It’s an amazing feeling to see the fruit of your labor in front of you, nicely packaged as a CD that’s ready to be sold alongside the big wigs in the industry. One small problem: you don't have the backing and capital that the big wigs do to promote your CD... and you just know your CD can be a huge success in the market.

Promoting a CD can seem like a daunting task at first, especially if you haven't done anything like this before. Here are a few tips and ideas on how you can get started promoting, and selling your music CD.

1. First, you should plan a launch party. Tell all your friends and fans when the CD is going to launch, and generate some buzz. Let local papers and shops know as well, and have them help you spread the word.

2. Network - tell everyone you know about your new CD. Ransack that mental rolodex of yours, and hit everyone you know, and tell them to do the same. Believe it or not, this is probably your best resource!

3. Have a website before your CD launches, and use it to promote your CD. Set up a page on myspace and other similar sites that allow navigators to sample your new tracks.

4. Look into setting up an email list for your fans. Before the CD launches, send out an email letting everyone know. It’s cheap, it’s easy and it’s a fast way to get the word out about this and other upcoming events.

5. Write a press release and put it on your website. You can find lots of examples and instructions of how to do this online.

6. Contact the music reporter(s) at your local newspaper(s). Don't leave out the smaller papers - sometimes they are the heart and soul of the local music scene.

6. Offer a free copy of your CD to local radio stations. Remember the school stations - they frequently tend to favor local artists. If they play it, it could pay off quite well for you.

7. Approach internet radio stations, and offer them the rights to play your CD for free. Every time they play a track, you receive free advertising.

8. Call DJ's and DJ companies and offer a free copy. If they play your CD, that's more free advertising.

9. Get a barcode for your CD. This can help encourage retailers to sell your CD.

10. Get your CD sold at online distributers, such as or

11. Sell merchandise with your name or the band's name on it. This is not only a little extra revenue - it's great advertising.

12. Find out if there is a music show on your local TV stations, and see if you can be featured.

13. Cross-promotional deals - Talk to another similar band, and work out a cross-promotional deal. ie. They promote your CD at their shows, and you promote their CD at your show. Or even better...

14. Work out cross-promotional deal with several bands. Each band contributes a track or two to a sampler CD. Then each band gives away the sampler CD as a "bonus" with every CD they sell of their own.

15. Naturally, you should promote your CD at every show you play

There are lots of things you can do to realize your dream faster. These are some simple ideas on how you can begin to promote your CD, and get the word out to your future fans. Good luck!

Rashi Singh is with Duplium Corporation, a CD Duplication company based in Dallas and Toronto. Duplium provides top quality CD and DVD Replication, customized printing and packaging, and full-scale fulfillment solutions. Visit for more information or to receive a quote.Freddy Blog82102
Federica Blog38568

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


ADXDirect.coms Performance Driven Advertising Network Expands Its Benefits For Web Publishing

There is a greater opportunity for Web Publishers to monetize traffic than ever before network uses a comprehensive platform to cater to the needs of its partnering publishers.

Baltimore, MD (July 2nd, 2007) - Its a good time to be a web publisher; at least it is when a company like is availing its traffic monetizing services. Todays online environment is inducing record levels of advertising spending, largely because its a measurable medium where technological innovations are almost instantaneously implemented by both end-users and institutions. Its no longer a question of how to monetize the traffic of a website, but rather how best to. With the many choices web publishers have, makes perhaps the most compelling option of any advertising network found online today. is finding itself at the crest of a seismic shift in advertising that is translating into more compensation for the traffic of websites. Across every vertical, advertising spending is being pumped into the interactive arena. According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, the first quarter advertising of 2007 brought in $4.9 billion this is up from $3.8 billion just a year ago. For, this means bigger roster of brand name advertisers, including Coca-Cola, Warner Brothers, and Chrysler. In turn, this translates to brighter prospects for the web publishers who partner with

The benefits offered to publishers are in many folds. To start, is a renowned partner service. The Baltimore-based dedicated media-buying specialists of will generate a competitive revenue share for publishers. Additionally, the monetization of traffic is optimized with premium rates for banners and pops.

Publishers can contact these experienced online advertising pros around the clock, 24/7 via phone, email, and IM (ADXDirect on Skype, AIM, and MSN). A satisfied marketing rep at commented, Your reps always answer my questions quickly and politely. I am very happy with the dependable service!

To date, web publishers have been thrilled with the offerings by, which is only one year in the making. Another value added benefit of is the matching of domestic and international traffic with relevant advertising. Therefore international traffic, a potential revenue source that is all too often filtered and wasted, can be effectively and easily monetized with ADXDirect.coms advertising platform. This feature alone could make partnering with a wise move for publishers.

A partnership with will help a publisher realize what separates this interactive advertising network from its peers. The reliable customer service and prompt payment scheduling; the brand name with big-money advertisers whose presence helps pay premium rates; and the contextual control offered to web publishers all create an extremely successful venture. values its in-network publishers and forces zero unwanted advertising upon its partners. Partnership implies co-operation and, for, partnership means a strong degree of contextual ad control for publishers.

Contact: Network
1st Floor
1414 Reisterstown Rd.
Baltimore, MD
Phone: (347) 268-5818
IM: ADXDirect on Skype, AIM, MSN and ICQ
Visit: - Performance Driven Ad Network

Andrew WellsVeradis Blog13948
Viole Blog12404

Now What? Ads in the John?

It started when someone tacked the daily paper in men's room above the urinals. The idea soon spread to the stall in the ladies room and a new form of advertising was born.

It is now so common place there are companies that represent thousands of "johns" to advertisers, giving each restaurant and bus stop owner a modest income for the use of walls and stalls.

In the never-ending quest to find ad space, some parking garages have sold painted billboards you have to stare at as you make your way to the end for another U turn while going up or down.

The newest trend is at the gas pump. What is there to do while you stand there holding the nozzle open wishing for the old days when the man who wears the star was taking car of your car (If you are too young to remember that one, I am sorry).

So what do you do while you stand there? Read the ad on the pump handle, of course. A pitch for cell phone minutes, or a tasty photo of a sandwich inside. Some more sophisticated stations have small TV screens next to the credit card slot on the pump that present a solid stream of color commercials, both local and national.

Radio used to be the only non intrusive advertising medium. Meaning that you could get the commercials while you did something else, as opposed to the newspaper that you had to look at to read and see the ads, or TV that requires you to sit and watch. But ads pasted to restroom stalls or over urinals or painted on garage walls and ads on pump nozzles are also non- intrusive. You are doing something else while you "get the message"

What can you do with your business to put your message where people can, and must, see it? Are you doing everything you can at your business to exploit empty space to make a sales point?

Grocery stores post their newspaper ad at the door.

Many offer piles of flyers in case you left your coupons at home.

Big box stores have discovered the joy of covering a colorful ad with plastic and taping it to the floor so you have to walk on it and you aren't going to step on something unless you know its safe to do so. Gothca!

Discuss unique adverting possibilities with associates, or people in your same business in other markets. If you think about it, you too, can come up with something as good as, or better than, ads in the john!

©2006 BIG Mike McDaniel, All Rights Reserved.Vikkie Blog94571
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Can Anyone Make $150-$200 A Day From Using Articles?

Why is article marketing so great and why do the greatest marketers on the planet employ this method of marketing?

The greatest will always remain in the front seat because they know what works. The fact that they continue to use article marketing as one of their main methods of marketing shows, well you guessed it, article marketing works for them.

The possibilities for your articles are endless and its an investment of time and not money which makes it cost effective as well. All you need is patience and commitment and you will succeed with this marketing method.

The greatest marketers use this method because:

Its cost effective. Actually let me tell you plan and simple, there is no cost to do this, it is absolutely free.

It builds credibility and expert status on the internet on any subject there is under the sun.

It drives floods of traffic to you promotions.

You reach a laser targeted audience with you articles.

This method has been proven to give you quality back links to your website and subsequently raise your website rankings, which equals more traffic.

These are just previews of the wealth that article writing can bring to you. Although these arent all the reasons, these should be enough reason for you to use this method of marketing.

The most successful people have one thing in common they copy the best, as we can see, the best marketers all said yes to article marketing as one of their most frequently used internet marketing methods.

What is the magical blue print for writing articles like the big guns?

Here is the step by step blue print that the greatest use to build their articles at lightening speed:

Step 1. Plan your article

This may sound elementary but very few people can write articles and skip this step completely.

When you plan your article it makes it easier to write on the topic that you choose. You need to dedicate time for this step because its the doorway for the other steps to follow.

Step 2. Brainstorm your article topic

What are you going to write about and why? Do people want this information? Can you solve a problem that others have? Asking yourself these questions coupled with a little research can get you a long way.

Step 3. Brainstorming your article points and organizing them.

So you have a good topic, now what are the points that you want to discuss on that topic? Organize these topics into the order in which you want to hit on them first then expand on it.

Step 4. Write selflessly about the topic to give quality information to your readers.

This often separates the good from the great. People want information that helps them solve a problem. We usually get the wrong idea with this form of marketing and dive into a sales letter for a product we promote.

Youre not promoting a product right now, youre trying to build your credibility in the minds of readers.

This will make them trust you more and be more open minded to your recommendations for your promotions. Not only will it turn off readers, it also turns off publishers to post your articles on their sites because it isnt of value to their website traffic.

Step 5. Double check and triple check your article for mistakes.

You dont want your articles to be filled with spelling errors and other minor or major mistakes because this will make people not like your writing.

Publishers will review your pieces and if multiple errors are found, then it will not be submitted to their audience.

Print out the article, read it aloud and pass it to a close friend to read it for you and give and objective opinion on what they think about your article. Two sets of eyes are better to find mistakes so use the feedback you get to write better.

Now that you have a simple blue print to follow consider using it to write articles. Article marketing is the life blood for many great marketers out there and you should make it part of your marketing plans. It continuously adds $150-$200 a day to the pockets of those who use it maybe that alone could be your motivation to try.

Shane Hunte is an experienced internet marketer who makes a full time income online. If you to would like to learn the simplest way to make money online then learn article marketing. Go to to find out everything you need to know today about profiting fast using your own articles. Fayre Blog5381
Veronike Blog91856

Custom Banners: cost-effective and sure- shot way of advertising

Advertising is a significant part of any business. Effective advertising provides the stride to climb the corporate ladder and takes the business to pinnacle of corporate world. There are variety of means of advertising used by businesses for promotion but here we are talking about such a medium which is not only one of oldest advertising means but also most preferred one yet. Custom banners are that medium of adverting which represents businesses in such an effective manner so that they get immediate and measurable results.

A banner in its broadest sense represents an effective medium of advertising through providing information to a target group (new or potential customer) in an impressive and influential manner. Custom banners carry out a wide range of targets right from promotion of new products, acquiring new customers; persuade existing customers to strengthening of customer relationship. Contribution of advertising through custom banners in every industry is vital as it benefits the industry i.e. automobile, education, health care, banking, media and human resource etc. by providing perfect marketing solutions. A custom banner is a promising entrant in the world of advertising. Market research shows that advertising through banners is the most effective medium to target specific customer segments. Custom banners have the ability to elicit immediate reaction from a potential customer. Therefore it is certainly more effective.

Custom banners have made advertising more interesting as every business can make its own banners. It helps businesses to form their own individuality through their novel and effectual ideas. Custom banners can be made in any size or format, banners of bigger size adds visual support to any advertisement campaign and increase value of your message. Custom banners are in use for advertising since the evolution of advertising. In present days we see those banners everywhere. People have started estimating a companys position by its banner and that is why companies are trying to say as much in a banner as they can. For establishing your company in market you need communicative and classy custom banner so that it may speak all about you. Usually simple and attractive banners attract people very much so its a good idea to keep design simple but stylish.

Custom banners are smart advertisers preferred choice today to tap the purchasing power of millions. The cost optimization benefits in advertising through custom banners are aplenty. It is an affordable and sure-shot medium via which knowledge of your product or services gets across to your target clients. You might have spend a lot of money on promoting your product through other mediums while custom banners come extremely cheap in comparison and targets a wide range of clients such as teenagers, white- collared professionals and CEOs. It is extremely beneficial for real estate agents, car and jewellery manufacturers, travel and tour agents, various portals, office automation units, educational units, computer manufacturers and dealers etc. to get their message across in a most cost-effective and sure- shot manner.

So what are you waiting for, dont get left behind. Spend less and earn more. Go for custom banners to certain the success of your business.

Chris Broad has a special liking for a variety of posters. Collecting different kinds of posters is his hobby.He is very dedicated towards his work.If you want to know more about Banners,Large posters, Custom banners and Banner stands visit Verine Blog92717
Evonne Blog93947

Internet Marketing In South Africa

Part 1

This article is written from my own experiences, on the many problems facing South African based internet marketers. As a South African, myself, I have been trying to establish myself in internet marketing, for the last three years, but have come across a number of obstacles, which have proved seriously detrimental to my efforts. If you are South African, you can probably relate to this. If you have been battling what seem insurmountable odds, or if you are new to this concept, the message is the same. Stop wasting your time and your money on what is bound to be nothing less than - wasting your time and your money and I will explain why I said that. If you are an internet marketer, who is not South African, you should also read this article, because you are, unwittingly, leaving a lot of money on the table.

As we all know, South Africa is a part of Africa and is unfairly considered as a third world country, with the incorrect perception that this second largest continent, is nothing more than a waste of time, in the field of internet marketing. Well, I beg to differ. I will attempt to outline some of the misconceptions, obstacles, causes and remedies that I have encountered.

Yes, it is true that Africa has not progressed as much as the so called first world countries, but it is taking giant strides towards that. The advent of the internet, is only just beginning to catch on and the vast majority of the population, still have no access at all, but it is coming and it is coming fast. The internet is now available in all countries around the world and Africa is no different. We all know about the Nigerian internet scams. It is just that the vast majority of the population are poverty stricken and cannot afford the service, many are illiterate and the majority of the continent consists of large open spaces and small villages, making the physical provision of any basic services such as electricity, clean water, telephones and other communication devices extremely difficult. It is also an ongoing problem, where these desperate people steal cables and anything that can be traded for a meal. So, at this stage the internet is only available in the bigger metropolitan areas. It makes sense, doesn't it? Imagine how easy it is to supply services to a very densely populated area like England and where everyone is literate, in a fixed abode and living above the poverty line.

South Africa is the most technically advanced country in Africa and not far behind the standards of the other technology rich countries, but we are seriously lacking in internet technology. The internet is still very new to South Africa and has only just begun to catch on. It is experiencing a phenomenal growth rate and more and more businesses and individuals are "hooking up". All of the major cities are able to offer various means of connection such as ADSL, bluetooth, wireless and people are getting connected on their pcs, laptops and cellphones. The rural areas are battling to get connected and the only option available to them at this stage is the old antiquated dial up system using a telephone line, or via satellite. Promises have been made by government, that in a few years, everyone will be able to get a telephone and therefore, will have internet access available to them. This represents an enormous potential for wary marketers.

This is the overview of the situation with internet access in Africa and more particularly, South Africa. In the next article, we will look at some of the problems faced by South African users and the effects they have on internet marketing.

Part 2

Recent political changes, have reversed the fortunes of the South African population, in that the previously disadvantaged black community, now have money and the fine things in life, including access to the internet. Whereas before they wouldn't have been considered a viable market, they are now able to access the internet and dabble in small business. They want more. The whites, on the other hand, now find themselves out of work, unsure of the future and desperately seeking an alternative means of income. Both groups make good target markets, and both are particularly keen on using the internet to improve their lot in life. Remember, the internet is the biggest employer in the world and does not recognise age, colour, education, physical disabilities, wealth etc. People hear of the successes achieved on the internet and are fooled into looking for a quick fix. The internet and marketing via this medium, gives everyone an equal opportunity, well, almost everyone. Not South Africans, unfortunately.

Something like 70% of the S.A internet community, access the internet on the computers at their places of employment and as much as two hours each workday, is lost to private usage of the internet. Obviously these people are not all looking for ways to make money, but a large percentage are. These people who are newly exposed to all the hype on the internet are easily sucked in to believing the sales pitch. A lot of money is being spent on all sorts of junk and causing many heartbroken families. I was like that too. I firmly believed I could make a lot of money on the internet and set about joining all sorts of schemes. They do not work, but these desperate and nave people don't know that. Imagine if it was possible to guide them, to channel all that energy and curiosity and of course all that money into your bank account? If those people all trusted you and listened to your advice, if you were able to develop well thought out plans and business opportunities? If those people all joined your membership site?

One of the biggest drawbacks in S.A is that the internet and allied services are still very expensive and difficulty in finding a good service provider. Other first world countries have direct, fast, unlimited service at very reasonable prices and if they do experience problems with the service provider, there are plenty of others to try. According to a recent survey, something like 70% of all internet users, regularly access the 'net from their places of employment. The employer provides pcs and internet for business purposes and these curious people cheat their employers, by using his service for private usage. People send emails to friends, go shopping, download files, look at pornography, play games, gamble and read classifieds and other adverts for a better job, or an easy method of earning more money. From this survey it was estimated that as much as 85% of this target group were looking for self employment opportunities. Now, that's a lot of people! If the price of internet access was cheaper, all these people would use it at home. In fact, most do have internet access at home, but due to small caps on their usage and exorbitant prices, they rather use the employer's service. My point is that millions are searching for opportunities on the internet and the fact that crime is rampant only makes them more determined, to start a business from home. This is a huge potential for marketers. So what is the problem? Why are more South Africans actively getting involved? In the next article, we will start looking at these problem areas.

Part 3

As the internet is still relatively new to South Africa, we don't have many experts, or experience in the field. Those calling themselves experts, have only a limited knowledge and are far too expensive, when compared to overseas competitors. Simple things like service provision, web hosting, design and site building, software, tools, optimisation and advertising, are grossly overpriced. In most cases, they are bought overseas and resold here. I was given a quote, last month, of R120 ($17) per month, for basic, small webhosting service, excluding the domain registration and excluding the internet service provision. That was only the hosting! I was quoted R6000 ($857) for a designer, to look at one of my websites and to make a couple of small changes. It is crazy. We pay between R8 and R12 for an mp3 song, which costs from 10c to 90c in the U.S.A.

The state owned telecommunications company, Telkom, have the monopoly and squash all opposition. This has led to very highly priced access and an indifferent service. Nearly all packages offered by them, or sub contactor service providers, are restricted and capped. The actual service, the technical help and the customer relations are dreadful. The dial up service is very unreliable, the speeds are far lower than advertised, due to the poor state of the physical 'phone lines and the modems cost the earth. Take the U.S.A for example, where there are something like 800 million people with regular access and hundreds of competitors all offering better prices. The internet is a way of life and the huge speeds and download capabilities are taken for granted. In South Africa only something like 27 million have any form of access, largely due to the high costs. I got a quote from Telkom last week for satellite service. The basic installation cost is R3100 ($443), paid upfront. The monthly rental for the satellite service, capped at 3 Gigs, is R1263 ($180) and I still need a service provider who comes in at a basic charge of R284 ($40) plus consumption and of course I still need to keep my basic phone service for R110 ($16) plus call usage. Once the cap is reached, the service is suspended and additional packages can be purchased for R120 ($17) per 250 Megs. So in all it will cost me, monthly, around R2317 ($331) for a basic internet service of 4Gigs and a phone at home. Obviously there are cheaper options available in the cities, but living out of town, there is no choice. By the way, a friend living in the U.S.A got a similar quote for only $40 (R280) per month and his service boasted more facilities and no capping whatsoever.

For some reason, probably the old apartheid days, South Africa was boycotted by the wealthy first world countries and nobody has told them yet, that times have changed. South Africans suffer many discriminatory obstacles in the use of the internet and over the last few years, I have repeatedly been stumped by these. I have two messages of advice here. To the frustrated, aspirant South African marketers and those who will follow shortly, stop and listen. Do not waste more time and money trying all sorts of offers, you will not succeed. Rather use the time to brush up on your skills. Select a market niche and learn to use control panel, FTP, html, php, hyperlinks and all the other things, that will help you to run your business. Wait for the solution. I have enlisted the help of two of the world's top marketers to find a way around the problems, for you. To the marketers who are knowingly, or unknowingly discriminating against certain countries, you are leaving money on the table and missing out on a huge potential market. But, that's okay, I'll take it. These are some of the more general problems experienced by South Africans. In the next article, we will look at some of the specific problems affecting our marketing abilities.

Part 4

By now, you are probably wondering what other problems I'm talking about and how they are affecting our chances of success. If you have been involved for a while, you have probably encountered a few of these yourself and if you are a newbie, you are likely to still come across these problems soon.

There are obvious generalities that exclude South Africans from participating. We joined about 163 survey companies, when we first started out on the internet. We soon found out that most were American companies and only for Americans. That makes sense, when the product, or service being rated is only available there, but why do they mislead us and take our money. You must have seen the misleading ads about how quick and easy it is to earn money by doing simple surveys. A lot of them claim to be international, for anybody who understands English. The same thing happens. You are invited to do the survey, but as soon as you type in your address, you are told it is not available in your area. We wasted a lot of money on these. The foolproof unconditional money back guarantees are a lot of hogwash. Just ignore them.

The same thing happened with the typing services. My wife joined a few of them, with the promise, that as long as she had a basic working knowledge of English, no experience was necessary. Money as easy and fast to earn, on simple assignments. Well, she wasn't given any assignments and on enquiring as to the reason, she was told that we spell differently. That was not ever mentioned at the time of joining and was also money wasted. For Pete's sake, we speak and spell correctly. It is the Americans who changed the language.

We also joined a lot of companies who promised to pay us for surfing and reading emails. We worked our butts off and eventually, after almost a year, had earned a whopping $247000! We tried to cash in, but were then told that no cheques could be issued. Monies were only paid into American bank accounts. They said they were an international company and anyone in the world could join. But, not get paid.

We often see special promos on free hosting, free domain registration and other all too important services. All looks great from the outside, but as soon as we apply we find out that we are unfortunately not eligible. I don't know how many times I have won prizes. Cash, free products, a trip, ocean cruises, but on trying to claim them, I'm told they don't apply to South Africans.

Very often, freebies are included to sweeten a deal. I joined a music site for mp3 downloads. The price was inclusive of a whole bunch of bonuses. I was to get meal tickets, petrol (gas) coupons, membership of some or other club, discounts on shopping, blah, blah, blah. Needles to say, I joined and paid full price, but never got any of the goodies that all my American counterparts received. I am very into music and 2 years ago I purchased Music Match Jukebox, with free updates for life, access to the online music shop and full usage of something I think was called Radio Gold. It was full access to 150 live radio stations. After I received my purchase, all I had was the jukebox and the promise of updates. On enquiry, I was told "Sorry, but this offer doesn't apply to you", but I paid the full price. Why don't they tell us before we pay? Why don't we get a discount? This seems to be common practice and apart from the obvious discrimination and disappointment is false advertising.

Anyway, these are some problems I have experienced, but not really connected in any way to our functionality at internet marketing. What are the problems facing South African marketers? More in the next article.

Part 5

We have covered quite a few problems facing South Africans already and here are some more.

Overseas companies, particularly those in the U.S.A, offering opportunities, services and resources, usually require a fixed email address, at the time of joining. This is to prevent temporary accounts and others such as Hotmail, from being used, as it is very easy to cancel, or change, after joining and the marketer is left with a useless address, in his contact list. South Africans have another problem, in that most of our suffixes, such as, telkomsa, za, are not allowed. Usually your country is required and many of the drop down menus have small, insignificant countries such as Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mauritius, Ivory Coast listed, but not South Africa. So we have to get ourselves an email address with an overseas company, just to comply. Why?

We, as South Africans, have no shopping carts, or payment processors, suitable for international use, or integration, into overseas websites and the biggest culprit is PayPay. They are the first choice, worldwide and any marketer not offering PayPal, as a means of payment, is seriously disadvantaged. Why then, do they not deal with South Africa? Sure, you can make a purchase through them, but they will not collect monies for you, or allow you to make a withdrawal, if you are South African. Other smaller countries are catered for, but not S.A. There are other options, but none as popular. Most payments, affiliate plans and opportunities, pay through PayPal. I joined dozens of respected affiliate plans and spent a great deal of effort, on advertising, before I found out the truth.

A few months ago, I was experiencing the common problems all new marketers face. I knew what I wanted to do, but not how to actually get it done. I'm talking about the setting up, in order to start business. I needed a domain name, a website, content and products, a hosting service, a shopping cart, a mailing list facility, a form for grabbing visitor's details, a payment processor, or two, etc etc. You know what I'm talking about. There are so many options available. The web is full of them. Some are free, some cheap, some having special offers, but which was the best for my needs? Nobody tells you that sort of information. How much space do you need for a bookstore, how much bandwidth do you need for customer downloads? How does the speed affect you? I had played around a bit with wysiwyg editors and done a little html coding. I had used a couple of free websites and hey, the last one I built without their website templated builder. I thought I was getting good, but still a little out of my depth. That scared me a bit, so I decided to look for a ready made, turnkey business. They all say the only thing you need to do is to enter your password and account details, then sit back and watch the money roll in. Well I eventually found something that sounded ideal. It was expensive, but I thought I would be saving in the long run. I wanted to sell ebooks, articles, plr, courses and so on. I paid for this business, as I had seen the example and even test drove the shopping cart prior to purchase. Just when I thought I had found a shortcut to starting my business, the problems began. What problems? Read the next article to find out and to see the solution.

Part 6

We were talking about the problems I encountered after I had bought the bookstore. Well firstly, the whole bookstore was inphp with cpanel control panel, my sql and a whole lot of Greek terms. You remember I had worked with online and offline editors in wysiwyg and a little html. Well now I was lost. I was warned not to try to edit in an html editor, or I would corrupt the php. I had never used these before and couldn't understand why I couldn't find the pages, to edit them. Then I found that the currencies shown on the products were not compatible with the Rand, but I thought so what, I'll just sell in dollars. Then I found that PayPal was not an option. Damn, but hey, I could still use NoChex, or the other one, I forget the name. No way, Jose, those weren't allowed either. I had to have a banking account in USA or UK. I eventually got EGold to work, but how many people pay with gold? That bookstore is still sitting, gathering dust.

There are no local, South African internet companies, for memberships, product sourcing, resources, search engine optimisation etc, so we have to look abroad. Although these are offered reasonably, overseas, we are still subjected to the exchange rate. At present the rate is 7 to the $, 14 to the Pound and around 9 to the Euro, but even so, it is usually cheaper, than our own prices and of course you are spoilt for choice.

Training is another area seriously lacking. With all the conferences, seminars, teleseminars, video training and group discussions unavailable to us in S.A, how are we expected to learn and to keep abreast of developments? Dial up is not powerful enough and anyway it is limited to times between 7pm and 7am, which is a bad time, as even if you stay up all night, it is roughly midnight to midmorning in the States. So how do we learn?

So, with a very limited number of companies prepared to do business with us, with our lack of choice, with our very expensive internet service, with very little access to all the great offers, with our SA email addresses, with our antiquated dial ups, without access to genuine training videos, with the exorbitant exchange rate, with our different spelling, without any reciprocal banks or payment processors, without a compatible shopping cart, with the scams and rip offs and all the rest we have discussed, can South Africans ever hope to get involved in internet marketing?

The truth is rather bleak. Nobody is worried about us, or the problems we have and nobody seems to care. The big "guru" marketers don't seem to be able to think outside their statelines and regard us as a waste of time. They are happy to take our money, though. But wait, there does seem to be a solution for you. As I said earlier, I have teamed up with two of the world's top marketers and together, we are trying to resolve these issues. We will put together a complete, turnkey package deal, a ready to run business, with domain, hosting, website, content, decent affiliate plans, a stream of products, an exclusive membership, a working shopping cart and payment processor, training and ongoing support, a proven plan, optimisation, adsense and other monetised methods for those poor South Africans, who want to be marketers. The hardest part of having your own business, is setting it up and getting it working. You will be able to enter the market place and do very well for yourselves, with our help, so in the meantime, there are a few things you must do.

Familiarise yourself with market trends and choose a niche market, in which you want to trade. Start practicing the basics and learn how things work. Get your mind sorted out. Tell yourself you can do it and will change your life. Sign up to our newsletter and mailings. If you really want to finally realise your dreams, give up the job, work from home, earn a good income, have flexibility and satisfaction, and be competitive in the international arena, then there is only one way you are going to acquire this - through us.

To remain informed of our progress, by newsletter and mail, to get recommended tools and lessons and to start your journey to wealth, sign up here. It's free. Click this link :

Derek Robson is an up and coming South African internet marketer, with a vision of empowering all fellow South Africans, to have equal opportunity and success on the internet. He has started a string of sites, resources, courses and articles as part of Dersalsites.Vita Blog95398
Vera Blog81056
Besucherza sexsearch